:: how positive u r? ::

k..just got it from cleo..
even my bro always said to me dat 'membazir bli mjlh iklan'when i bought cleo magazine..
uih..i dun care..should i said 'membazir bli komik ngarut' to the them?
should i?should i?

dont think so coz i'm also enjoying reading 'komik ngarut'..ader kempen berjimat disitu dimana anda tidak perlu membuang duit anda untuk membeli komik ngarut tetapi dengan berdiam diri sambil mendengar kutukan abg2 anda sambil membaca komik ngarut hasil pelaburan abg2 anda..ahahaha~

k back to the story...
actually whut the story..owh...dat survey...
hurm...k...dun lie2 ar..ready gurlz..guyz also can join..no fees will be charhge to u all..huhu~k.."ladies and gentleman..set ur mind.."(sila baca dgn manggunakan nada seperti di games nascar races..)

1.sila bygkan anda ader choc bar..or a slice of cake pun bley juga..aper nk donut from big apples?..uih...bley2...janji aper yg anda bygkan aderlah makanan yg bley dimakan dan penting halal....then tetiba..half of your choc or cake or wut ever ur imagine gone...would u think..
(A."Oh gowd...half left" OR B."Damn, it's all gone" )
if 'A' go to num 2 but if 'B' go to num 3.

2.are u always like dat when u find ur food half gone (even if u were the one who ate it)?
k lets continue the quiz to find more...
if ur friends in the kind of a bad mood, do u wonder if it's because u've upset her..
(A. yes, (then continue with num 4) OR B. no (continue with num 6) )

3.if you go out of the room and hear people laughing,
(mean time korg blah dari bilik di maner korg duk melepak, mengumpat, atau mengata bersama kekawan korang, dan bler korg blah dan2 diorg ketawa), adakah anda secara automatik dan mentaliknyer berpikiran bahawa mereka2 sdg membahankan anda?
(A.yes (go to q5) OR B.no(go to q4)

4. klu ader missing satu brg...adakah korang slalu terpikir bahawasanyer
ader org laen mengambil nyer..
(mungkin kerana beliau sgt suke pada anda sehingga beliau ingin memiliki brg anda atau
mungkin kerana beliau pikir yang anda nih kaya dan mampu membeli baru untuk menggantikan brg anda yg beliau curi)
(A.ya (go to 8 ) OR B. tidak (go to 9 ))

5. hv u ever said, "ak benci hidup ak"-n u really meant it?
(A. pernah ( p 7 ) OR B. eh..xpernah..sy bersyukur..(korg p q8)

6. pernahkah anda menggelakkan kwn anda kerana bliau x dpt nk mmbezakan kera ngan monyet atau anda ketawakan diri anda sendiri sbb anda gila atau anda gelak diatas sbb2 anda sendiri pada jam baru2 ini?
(A. owh..semesti nyer..sy kan periang..( p 9) OR B.tidak kerana sy seorg yg pendiam..(p 10))

7. korg nyer dream job kuar kat surat khbr or majalah atau aper2 pun yg bley mengiklan dream job anda. then bile ditgk kriteria yg diperlukan sgt terkena dgn diri anda..tetiba dgn kebijaksanaan anda yg sgt tinggi anda terpikir..
" alarh..klu ak mohon pun blum tntu ag ak dapat..mst byk org yg lbey lyk dr ak p mohon gak..konfem ar ak x dpt nyer..mungkin kucing dh bertanduk pun ak x dpt gak dream job ak nih...huh..buang mse tul!!"
(A.ish tau2 jer ak pikir cm tuh..( p tgk yg 'E')
B. ish maner ader..memandai jer ( p tgk 'AE'))

8.pernahkah anda membebel dgn tidak puas hati, x kisah r ngan kerani di pjbt kolej anda ke..kwn anda yg konon diva ke... mknn yg anda bli ader ekor cicak ke atau aper2 lah yg x msk ngan jiwa sensitip anda
(A. ader..( p 'AE') OR B. tidak2..syx ksh..(p bc 'HF'))

9. bler korg bgn pepagi menguap tnp bersyukur korg masih hidup ag..tp korg trus jer berpikir yg hari nih hanya pasti berlaku perkara yg baek2 jer..contoh nyer ari nih shbt2 anda yg sengkek dan bengkek akan membelanje anda..atau ari nih anda akan dapat mengkikis duit kenalan jutawan anda yang br jer anda kenali..
(jika ya silalah p tgk 'AF' OR jika tidak silalah lihat 'HF')

10. jika bf anda yg hny kekal sebulansebulan sajer mengatakan yang beliau cinta sayang sama anda..
perlukah anda percaya sama beliau?
(eh...semesti nyer..bliau jujur tau..klu cm nih jwpn anda sila p tgk 'FG'
tpooo..ko igt ak percaye ngan mulut manis ko..p ckp ngan beruk lar..beruk pun mungkin x cayer dan menunjukkan punggung beliau kat ko..ahaha..
jika jwpn anda seperti ini silalah p lihat kat 'AF' ok..)

baeklah...dh ttp ngan jwpn anda sama ade 'E'(kosong) , 'AE' (hampir kosong) , 'HF' (setengah pnuh) , 'AF'(bukan akademi fantasia tp almost full), or 'FG'(glas pnuh)

E-empty or kosong
own dear..u've got a real downer on urself, havent u? do u?
the trouble with always xpecting the worst is dat u'll increase the chances of it happening. it can be hard to lift urself out of the dodorums, but if u let ur negative feelings get out of control, those vibes will make u hard to b around. u need to break out the negative cycle in ur head. so please..please lighten up, start believing in urself..enjoy ur self..MALAYSIA BOLEH!! huhu~

'AE'-almost empty or hampir kosong

u see thing as positive or negative..nothing in-between..this means dat u can cruise on an even keel-as long as thing are going ur way..when they dont, your positivity gets a bit wobbly. try to stop ricocheting from one emotion to the next. if something goes wrong, its not tragedy, just a blip that u can put right. learn this skill and u'll feel a whole calmer- and so will ur life..

'HF'-half full or setengah pnuh

neither overly positive or too negative, ur perfectly balanced and not prone to momment of high drama..this make u steady mate dat everyone wants..owh yeah..and bcoz u live in the real world, u rarely get dissapointed as u're constantly reassessing ur goals. just remember to hv dreams now and again..they'll help u to push the boundaries of wut u can and cant do- u might suprise urself.

'AF'- almost full or hampir pnuh

u can surf the waves of life - and if u tumble off now and again, so wut?
people might say dat u always fall on ur feet- but this is bcoz
u've got ur eyes open for the next gd opportunity.
sure, things can go wrong, but u hv optimism in buckets. watch u dont get too smug, though.
instead, shine on someone who's down and get them back on their feet-u'll be great too..
"kejayaan bermula dari kegagalan"

'FG'-full glass or glas pnuh

u burn so brightly, its no wonder u've always got rose-tinted specs on.
but the trouble with trying ti live life at the top all the time is dat it;s got to come down.
and when it does, ur less able to cope bcoz u hvnt taken failure into account.
as such, u miss the chance to put things right when u can, so do urself a favour and take reality check once in a while- its no sooooo bad..

fuh...ponat eden...k..
hope u'll enjoy..ayat2 tuh ader gak rekaaan semata2..huhu
x derlah copy paste exactly...


syazwan akid said…
nie taip ke copy paste?
dila said…
mner cleo kuar bhs mlayu bang oii...

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