::back to school::

owh gowd..back to college back..doing short sem here..ok fadilah...chaiyok2!!

k..the class only got 4 days in a week..have 5 weeks b4 exam..i day will be 3 hours to let my ear, my brain, my hand, my mouth(err..should i) to work hard to gain the knowledge that i hv learn before..ahaha~ hope not fail again but get flying colors with rainbow on this paper..or maybe should i draw rainbow and coloring it on the answer sheet to make the lec know and give me A..should i?should i?

hurm..dear friends..just pray for my succes on this paper..can u? can u? sure u can rite..hope so...huhu

owh...got to tell u all dat i hv succesfully done to make cup cake with the cream on top of it..ahahaha~ i'm really proud of me...(muke pnuh ngan bongkak)..the pic...err..later r..sgt mls ingin meletak nyer skrg..coz the pic in my camera...no 'gigi biru' to connect it with my laptop..sedap?sedap x? uish...my 'water hand' always sedap...ahahaha~

k..till the end..need to sleep...celak mata sudah tbl (aper kene mengena celak ngan blogging..hey fadilah..sodar ckit..lu bukan p crmh agama nk suruh setan letak celak kat mata lu..)..sgt ngantuk..huargh...(adakah ini bunyi menguap??)


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